My inspiration: Simon and Martina

 The “how-to” experts on life in South Korea! Aren’t they adorable?

Simon & Martina: “Eat Your Kimchi” experts teach us everything we’ve ever wanted to know about Korea – and more.

This charming, heartfelt tale dates back to late two-thousand-and-nine. Ever since I was a wee one, I have always had a keen interest in Asian culture and spent years dreaming of one day being given the opportunity to learn, discover and explore the language, tradition and hidden beauty of Asia.

After finding out that my post-secondary institution (Mount Saint Vincent University) offered exchange programs to countries all around the world, I was even more pleased to discover that they had partner Universities in both China and South Korea. After a lot of planning, budgeting, passport applying and on-going Korean language classes, I will finally be making my way to Seoul, South Korea in mid-August to study as an exchange student for one year.

To be honest, though, my dream wouldn’t have become a reality without Simon and Martina Stawski. Before I came across their brilliantly informative videos, I wasn’t all too familiar with Korean culture in the slightest. Needless to say, after spending HOURS upon HOURS watching their videos, I have dedicated almost all of my free time to learning as much as humanly possible about Korea.

You may be asking yourself – who are Simon and Martina Stawski? Well, for those of you who are familiar, I’m sure you understand why I love them so. As for those who are unfamiliar – either you don’t have access to the internet, or you’ve been living under a quaint, comfortable rock for quite some time…shame on you.

Okay, so maybe it’s acceptable if you haven’t heard of them, but if you’re even remotely interested in Asian culture, their blog, twitter, youtube and facebook pages are all fantastic resources on how-to use Korean appliances, find a local Cosco outlet, survive a painful foot massageadopt a dog, get to Everland and  maybe even stumble upon some of the tastiest meals you will ever experience. They have also established several segments in the last year or so that they present on a regular basis – TD;LR, K Crunch,WTF (Wonderful Treasure Find), KPop Music Mondays, etc. On top of that, they can tell you all about teaching in South Korea, and they happen to be the proud owners of one of the cutest dogs of life, Spudgy.

See!? Spudgy is A-DO-RABLE. Just don’t tell him if you spend time in a cat cafe… then you’re asking for trouble.

*That’s not even putting a dent in the available content on their blog and youtube page- there are TONS of videos that’ll keep you in glued to the screen in stitches for hours on end!*

Simon and Martina Stawski are a Canadian (YO, REPRESENT!) couple, who are living and teaching in Bucheon, South Korea. Their collection of informative, creative and artistic videos are more entertaining and more educational than anything you’ve ever laid eyes on before. Let’s just put it this way: if their videos were available in a box set, and you could only have it or Planet Earth in your collection, Simon and Martina’s TOTALLY takes the cake… and damn, is that cake ever scrumptious. This cute couple is really the best thing since a kimchi, hotteok, ddeokbokki and mandu sandwich… or sliced bread, whichever you find more appetizing.

With their colourful collection of videos focusing on: how-to, Korean education, KPOP, restaurant reviews, everyday task management, wonderful treasure finds, and even how to keep up with the latest dance trends – there’s no better way to spend your free time.

Do yourself a favour and check out their website (, their youtube channel (simonandmartina) or their facebook page ( and see what all the fuss is about! You won’t regret it!

P.S – Be a facebook fan, follow them on twitter, or become a sponsor!

P.P.S – Leave me comments on my blog to let me know what you thought of my profile/feature! Also, check out my youtube page (maplesyrupandkimchi) and tell me what you think! I’m always looking for constructive criticism, suggestions for new video ideas or concepts or just a short, simple hello!

It’s very important to make sure you “Eat Your Kimchi!”!/pages/Eat-Your-Kimchi/

One thought on “My inspiration: Simon and Martina

  1. I love Simon and Martina! I have watched all their videos at least 3 times over, and they have increased my interest to move to Asia – though not so much Korea, but China 😀

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